The story of the Israeli family harvesting their dead daughter?s eggs is very sad. I understand having a grandchild from her DNA would be like having a little piece of her still with them, but how do they even know she wanted children? Not only that, but even if she did want children, would she herself have approved of this?
Something similar happened here in Austin, TX a couple years back. A guy about 20 was killed downtown and his mother tried (I think she succeeded) to harvest his sperm for future grandchildren. I dunno what else happened from there, but it?s a sad situation all around.
And to the Tide commercial, I?m a little disappointed. I know some moms really want those girly girls in pink and frills, but us tomboys are just as awesome
The story of the Israeli family harvesting their dead daughter?s eggs is very sad. I understand having a grandchild from her DNA would be like having a little piece of her still with them, but how do they even know she wanted children? Not only that, but even if she did want children, would she herself have approved of this?
Something similar happened here in Austin, TX a couple years back. A guy about 20 was killed downtown and his mother tried (I think she succeeded) to harvest his sperm for future grandchildren. I dunno what else happened from there, but it?s a sad situation all around.
And to the Tide commercial, I?m a little disappointed. I know some moms really want those girly girls in pink and frills, but us tomboys are just as awesome
- Robyn on August 12th, 2011