Carrey vid ? I didn?t find it creepy at all. I thought it was hilarious blend of genuine crush and wink/nudge trembly lips. It?s not like he?s really hitting on her. He acknowledges he?s too old and isn?t afraid to show real sadness over it. You know what?s really creepy? Clooney leaning in to whisper to starlets how he loves their work, then inviting them to a quiet dinner/booty call. Compared to those smooth moves, I?ll take Carrey?s honesty.
Q says:
Carrey vid ? I didn?t find it creepy at all. I thought it was hilarious blend of genuine crush and wink/nudge trembly lips. It?s not like he?s really hitting on her. He acknowledges he?s too old and isn?t afraid to show real sadness over it. You know what?s really creepy? Clooney leaning in to whisper to starlets how he loves their work, then inviting them to a quiet dinner/booty call. Compared to those smooth moves, I?ll take Carrey?s honesty.
Hell, I crush on Emma Stone too. Who doesn?t?