Friday, February 24, 2012

AnnaLynne McCord in a Bikini and Other News

Posted by Photo Boy

- Friday Photobombs are always better when they involve chicks humping each other. [theCHIVE]

- Deena Cortese doesn?t realize that you?re supposed to call cops pigs, not try to get them to bang one. [Huffington Post]

- Paris Hilton leaked and then unleaked a ?song? so the Internet would talk about her again. [Dlisted]

- Ryan Phillippe won?t star in a network show because it?s hard work. No, really. [Lainey Gossip]

- Kate Upton does the Marilyn Monore thing, but nakeder. [Hollywood Tuna]

- Candice Swanepoel poses for what is essentially the most realistic portrait of what a man can expect from married life. [DrunkenStepfather: NSFW]

- Jennifer Aniston?s nipsicles were on Conan. [Popoholic]

- Yes FOX, you?re nailing that coveted 18-34 demo by having Steven Tyler do shit like this. [TooFab]

- Paula Deen calls her diabetes ?a blessing.? (Context, what?s that?) [BuzzFeed]

- Brett Ratner is going just a tad overboard to appease GLAAD. [FilmDrunk]

- The 15 Steamiest South American Sports Hotties [Bleacher Report]

- Sheryl Crow is in a bikini. Awesome? [Just Jared]

- Michelle Williams gets free Guinness and potatoes for life. (I know nothing of Irish culture.) [Popsugar]

- Turns out Asian Harvard grad Jeremy Lin may not be the basketball phenom he?s been made out to be. Go figure. [IDLYITW]

- And just as Harvard puts that notch on its belt, Tyra Banks lights said belt on fire and kicks it into a gutter. [The Fab Life]

- Here?s that Facebook thread that if you actually believe is real makes you crazier than the completely made up characters within it. [Heavy]

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Photo: Fame/Flynet, Pacific Coast News


Ana Ivanovi Ana Paula Lemes Ananda Lewis Angela Marcello Angelina Jolie

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