Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Around the Web?

I know that people are going to comment here about the loss of the 20th Duggar?and i am sure that many are going to say that this is a sign to stop and while i tend to agree with that, i also have to share this:

On November 14, I went to my scheduled ultrasound for my ?20th? week scan, (though it was more like 23-ish weeks due to being out of the country) and at this scan, we found out little boy?s heart barely beating.

After doing more tests, we were told that there was nothing that could be done. That it was only ?a matter of time? before death occured and then my body would do what it needed to do.

On November 17th, i delievered a perfect little boy who weighed 1lb 7 oz and looked like his older brother. We held him, had family pictures taken with him, i have his foot prints and a tiny wisp of his hair. And we buried him with my grandparents. My husband and i were devestated, as were our 6 year old twin girls and more confused almost 3 year twins.

Please remember that this poor woman has lost a child that has touched her heart and soul. For that, i am greiving for Michelle and her entire family. I can only imagine how they are handling the enitre process.

Ours was a private event that i am choosing to share with you, perhaps to give you insight to what they may be feeling, and i understand that they made a choice to share their lives with the world through their show, but i?m pretty sure that they never figured that this would happen and that their darkest hour would be on display.

Happy holidays to everyone. Hold each and everyone you love and cherish close to you because you just never know?.

- mel on

mel- I am so sorry for the loss of your son. Thank you for sharing your story.

I believe that the Duggars should be given privacy and respect during this time during while they grieve their loss.

- Erika on

Mel, I am very sorry for your loss. I have experienced it as well.

The Duggars, in my opinion aren?t looking for privacy when they sell their story four different times to magazines. They are not looking for privacy when they say they which the photos weren?t released, but then post one and a video on their blog. They would be given privacy if they acted like that is what they want, but they don?t act like it at all.

I wanted privacy. I didn?t post my pictures on Facebook or email them out. I didn?t invite hundreds of people. We said we wanted privacy and it was given to us.

- Jillian on

Mel, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family is doing well.

Jillian, I agree with you. The Duggars need privacy so they need to stop selling this story to the media. No one needs to know that poor Jill was weeping or that Jackson was asking about her. Those were private moments between them and their mother and now we all know about it. They went to the media the day Jubilee died and released that picture within a few days of that. I really wish they would forget about giving interviews and really mean what they said about just focusing on their family.

- Sarah K. on


Haylie Duff Heidi Klum Heidi Montag Hilarie Burton Hilary Duff

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